# Field

Field component is designated to pass to your input components actual field state. Currently, it can be used only as wrapper of your components, but the alternatives are investigating now.

The simplest example of passing input component to Field scoped slot might look like this:

<Field name="email" v-slot="field">
	<input v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events">

The field is the data passed by Field component, it contains:

  • name the field name;
  • value the field value;
  • meta the field meta;
  • events the object, that contains default events for input and select tags: blur, focus

# Controllable / Uncontrollable

# Uncontrollable Field

The field is uncontrolled by default. It means, that the value of the field is stored in the form internally.

# Controllable Field

The value of a controllable field is stored externally. To make a field controllable you should pass some value to value prop, a controlled field can't change it directly, it emits change event instead.

<Field :value="value" @change="changeValue" name="email" v-slot="field">
	<input v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events">

But it much easy to do if use v-model directive:

<Field v-model="value" name="email" v-slot="field">
	<input v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events">

# Props

# name

A field's name the internal form state. To access nested objects or arrays, name can also accept lodash-like dot path like user.name or users[0].name

# component

A field wrapper component. Default span.

# value

The field value. If you pass any value to this prop will make the field controllable. It means, that the field value will be equal to passed value.

# validation

The prop to pass field-level validation. It's described in a detail in the corresponding section.

# validationOptions

The validation options

# defaultValue

The default value of the field. It is used if initial value was not defined at the form level.

# onMount

The function that defines the mount behavior of the field.

# onFocus

The function that defines the field's focus behavior.

# onBlur

The function that defines the field's blur behavior.

# onValidate

The function that defines the field's validate behavior.

# Events

# change

This event is emitted on field's value change

# Examples

To relieve the binding form values to input, textarea and select elements, we recommend to use v-model directive. It's a bit magical, as developers said, but it eliminate much boilerplate.

# Text

<field name="text" v-slot="field">
	<input v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events">
values = {
  "text": ""

# Multiline Text

<field name="text" v-slot="field">
	<textarea v-model="field.value"></textarea>
values = {
  "text": ""

# Radio

<field name="radio" v-slot="field">
		<input type="radio" v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events" value="first-choice">
		First Choice
		<input type="radio" v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events" value="second-choice">
		Second Choice
		<input type="radio" v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events" value="third-choice">
		Third Choice
values = {
  "radio": ""

# Select

<field name="select" v-slot="field">
	<select v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events">
		<option disabled value="">Please select one</option>
		<option value="first-choice">First Choice</option>
		<option value="second-choice">Second Choice</option>
		<option value="third-choice">Third Choice</option>
values = {
  "select": ""

# Checkboxes

Single checkbox, boolean value:

<field name="boolean" :default-value="false" v-slot="field">
		<input type="checkbox" v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events">
		Boolean Checkbox
values = {
  "boolean": false

Multiple checkboxes, bound to the same field value:

<field name="choice" :default-value="[]" v-slot="field">
		<input type="checkbox" v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events" value="first-choice">
		First Choice
		<input type="checkbox" v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events" value="second-choice">
		Second Choice
		<input type="checkbox" v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events" value="third-choice">
		Third Choice
values = {
  "choice": []


In the examples above the default field value is always set. It's strictly needed to correct work of the v-model directive. As alternative you may set default value of the corresponding field in initialValues of your form, it works too.

# Advices

# Field Components

It may be too tedious to make the boilerplate to output the input element, errors and other meta data.

<field name="text" v-slot="field" class="field">
	<input v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events" class="field__input">
	<p v-if="field.meta.error" class="field__error"> 
		{{ field.meta.error }} 

So we recommend to wrap this code to independent component. This component may contain Field component inside or just receive field object from its slot.

# First Approach

<InputField name="text" />

Component's code:

	<field class="field" v-slot="field" v-bind="$attrs" v-on="$listeners">
		<input v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events" class="field__input">
		<p v-if="field.meta.error" class="field__error">
			{{ field.meta.error }}

	export default {}

<style lang="scss">
	.field {
		&__error {
			color: red;

# Second Approach

<field name="text" v-slot="field" class="field">
	<InputComponent :field="field" />

Component's code:

	<span class="field">
		<input v-model="field.value" v-on="field.events" class="field__input">
    	<p v-if="field.meta.error" class="field__error"> 
    		{{ field.meta.error }} 

	export default {
		props: ['field']

<style lang="scss">
	.field {
		&__error {
			color: red;


In the example above field data passed to field prop as a single object. It could seem reasonable to pass its parts meta, value and etc. as independent props, but in this case you will not be able to pass them to v-model directive, because it will try to change the prop value, not the field.value property (that has own setter)